Oops! It’s not the pinacolada though 

Oh no! I think I have got this wrong, I may have bitten more than I can chew. Mrs T has just complained. She is a private client and I tend to try and keep them sweet. You know..,repeat business and all. 

The trouble is that I have just accepted another private gig from Mr S. Somehow I need to be able to afford this trip I am embarking on. 

But I am pressed for time and the day job is driving me knots. They are both one and  same really, though the day job is a regular 9-5 and this side thing keeps me up most nights. 

They are both distractions though but it’s what I do. 

 I must not forget Mr & Mrs V’s gig either. Now they actually deserve my immediate attention. 

Arghh! What I am doing. I need to call in  extra reinforcement as this is breaking at the seams. 

I knew I should be making my pinacolada instead. I can handle its chores like sweet juices of pleasure.

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